Category: Political government

  • Why I refuse to vote

    Why I refuse to vote

    The most obvious thing that makes voluntaryism different from any other “political” philosophy is that it advocates NOT participating in politics at all. That means, among other things, NOT VOTING. While everyone else is frantically trying to “get out the vote” and convince everyone it is their civic duty to vote, voluntaryists proudly refuse to…

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Voluntaryist?

    What Does It Mean To Be A Voluntaryist?

    What exactly is a voluntaryist? The Merriam-Webster dictionary, which bills itself as “America’s most trusted online dictionary for English word definitions, meanings, and pronunciation,” doesn’t even have a definition for “voluntaryist.” I don’t know how many people identify themselves as voluntaryists, but I see the number has been growing for the last few years. You…

  • WTF is the Deep State?

    WTF is the Deep State?

    I recently reconnected with a friend from fifteen years ago who used the term “deep state.” Back in those days, I was already a voluntaryist, but the only word I had was “anarcho-capitalist.” Since I was working in Hollywood, most of the people I knew were Hollywood liberals. I had quickly discovered that talking about…

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