Category: Culture

  • November 22

    November 22

    Fifty-six years ago today, I was enjoying a typical day in high school. I don’t remember which class I was sitting in when there was an announcement over the public address system. President Kennedy had been shot. He was in Dallas, Texas, and had been taken to a nearby hospital. No word yet on his…

  • On Strike!

    On Strike!

    As I was traveling down the street today, I saw a group of people–maybe fifty or sixty–carrying signs saying On Strike! Since about half of them were strolling along the sidewalk in front of a suburban school while the other half sat under makeshift tents socializing, I assumed they were members of the teachers’ union…

  • Who can you control?

    Who can you control?

    Most of us spend a lot of our precious time trying to control other human beings. Perhaps it is natural for us to try to control the people closest to us; our family, friends, business colleagues, and acquaintances. There is even moral justification in trying to control the small human beings who are dependent upon…

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